If you’ve been looking for a fun mobile game that requires strategy, look no further than War Robots. This game was developed by Pixonic, a Russian game developer, and features multiplayer online battle arenas in which players battle it out in real-time PvP battles. In War Robots, players operate BattleTech-like robots on a live battlefield. And while there is plenty of strategies involved in this game, the main focus is on combat.
War Robots support multiple languages. It is currently available in English, Indonesian, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Thai, French, Turkish, and Japanese. If you’re playing on an Android device, you can go into the Game Center and clear the game’s cache and data. Once this is done, reinstalling War Robots will restore the sound. If you’re having trouble with the audio, try restarting your device.
Some robots have built-in weapons. The Molot family, for instance, can hit targets at a distance of 800 meters. The Punisher family, on the other hand, can destroy much larger robots within a few seconds. Another type of robot is the Pursuer. Its three Gusts can wreck much larger robots in a matter of seconds. And there’s also the Hellburner, which is a small mech that can destroy much larger robots.
If you’re a newbie to War Robots, there are several tips you should follow to make the most of your time playing the game. First of all, make sure you have a stable internet connection. Also, make sure your robot has a physical shield, and be sure to equip it when possible. It’ll help if you can avoid plasma weapons or use other robots as secondary weapons. The game can be difficult to master without an internet connection, so be sure to check your bandwidth before you start playing.
The game uses a league system to assign teams of players with similar skill levels. Players in each league are ranked by their matchmaking rating, and players in one team are in the same league. A team that wins a battle will receive more rating points than one that doesn’t. If the other team has fewer beacons, the winning team will win. The goal of War Robots is to win as many matches as possible. There are several ways to earn experience and level up your team.
Pixonic is a Russian game developer that focuses on mobile games. Founded in 2009, Pixonic began developing games for Russian social networks and then focused on mid-core mobile game development. The company soft-launched War Robots in 2014, and Google has even called it a hit. This popular game features real-time PvP battles and an online battle arena. It has over 130 million installations and 1.5M daily active users. Pixonic is based in Moscow, and its team used Unity to build this game.
Another popular robot in the game is the Griffin. Its dual EP Magums and S-GS Tarans give it a great range. It is very effective in covering areas, and its ability to jump is an excellent advantage. It is also great for medium combat and is also effective against close-range opponents. It can also use its ECU shield to melt opponents’ energy shields. It also has excellent firepower. All in all, the Griffin is a great robot and a powerful weapon in War Robots.
Another option is to purchase active modules to add more skills and abilities to your robot. These modules must be purchased or found in chests to activate them. The Repair Unit restores the strength of the robot and does not affect its allies. Lock-down Ammo is a powerful weapon that temporarily immobilizes an enemy. The Quantum Radar is another useful option in War Robots. This upgrade helps the user track targets while they are in stealth mode.
Once you reach the 21st level, you can produce weapons and robot parts at the Workshop. The Workshop mainly contains weapons and high-level battle robots. There are two types of production cells in the Workshop – weapon and robot parts kits. Weapon parts kits take one day to produce. Robot parts kits require three days. Afterward, the player must choose the production cell where he or she wants to place the parts. After selecting the production cell, the player should click on the “Start” button. This will allow him or her to test the new robot in private combat.
Damage and repair will affect the strength of a robot. It doesn’t affect the strength of shields. The damage you deal to a robot determines how many strength points are available to the robot. Afterward, if your robot is repaired, it will gain 15% resistance. Similarly, if you get damaged in battle, you will gain a shield to protect yourself from harm. Then, if you have two robots, they can repair the damage and restore its strength.