
How to Speed Up the Construction Process in Rise of Kingdoms

Rise of Kingdoms

The first step in the Rise of Kingdoms is to choose a civilization. Each civilization offers different stats, passive bonuses, and starting commanders. You should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of each before choosing your civilization. Here are a few things to keep in mind. After you’ve chosen your civilization, you’ll need to develop a strategy for conquering passes and building your civilization. Once you’ve chosen your civilization, you’ll need to decide on the type of construction you want to construct.

Choosing a civilization

In the Rise of Kingdoms game, players will be faced with three choices: the French, the Romans, and the British. Each one has distinct advantages and disadvantages. Once you have an idea of what each one offers, you can easily pick the one that will best suit your playing style. The French civilization, for example, will give you the most boost during the early stages. The French are considered the best civilizations for development.

As a f2p player, you should not change your civilization often. A switch will cost you 10,000 gems and 2m alliance credit. But if you’re a rally leader, you may need to make a change often. If the game’s meta shifts to cavalry, you might have to switch civilizations. In the home kingdom phase, it’s better to stick with European or British civilization.

Building Construction

The progress of a kingdom in Rise of Kings is largely dependent on the number of resources available at a given moment. Therefore, before issuing building orders, players must wait for the building timers to finish. These timers are tiered from 7% to 10%. With these tips, players can speed up the construction process in Rise of Kingdoms. Despite the complexity of the game, it is worth playing.

To make your town look good, you must consider the design, decoration, and layout of buildings in Rise of Kingdoms. Players can achieve this by constructing different buildings in a certain order. Then, players must decide which ones are most important. The buildings in Rise of Kingdoms can be grouped into districts and sectors. Buildings within a sector can have distinct themes, giving the town an organized and well-designed appearance. In addition, a central statue will give a town a lively, urban feel.

Resource gathering

In Rise of Kingdoms, you can use a resource gatherer to increase the speed of your harvesting. There are currently eight gathering commanders, and Lilith Games may add more in the future. Each gathering commander has their own passive skill set, which helps them harvest faster. To use a resource gatherer, you must first create a second account in the same kingdom. You can then use this second account to focus on resource gathering and free up your main account for other tasks.

To increase the speed of your gathering, you need to train your units with the right technology. You should use the gathering commander when you are building your kingdom’s infrastructure since they carry more resources than other types. Additionally, you can gather resources faster with your kingdom’s title. Moreover, you can use redeem codes to receive free resources. To learn more about resource gathering in Rise of Kingdoms, read on! Here are some tips:

Attacking Passes

When playing Rise of Kingdoms, it’s vital to understand the concept of attacking passes. The game has three zones, each determined by the level of the nearby passes. To enter a zone, alliances must first take control of the mountain and passes in that region. Passes are locked at the start of the game but will unlock as your monument guides you. Once you capture a pass, it becomes a valuable asset to your alliance territory.

When attacking a pass, it is important to use your commander’s special active skill. Typically, you’ll need 1,000 Rage to cast the active skill of your commander. This is a simple but effective method of eliminating rivals. Rallying a group is one of the easiest ways to achieve this. Rally attacks are a great way to minimize the casualties of your troops. Attacking passes with a rally is an easy and convenient way to eliminate rivals and gain the upper hand in the battle.

Getting alliance credits

One of the most important currencies in Rise of Kingdoms is individual credit. This currency can be spent on items like tokens, speedups, and specialty items. Some Alliances save up their credits until a kingdom vs kingdom event when they need new flags and fortresses to participate. Alternatively, they keep them for special occasions. While the latter is more difficult to come by, there are ways to make use of your extra credits.

In Rise of Kingdoms, there are several ways to earn alliance credits. You can also earn individual credits by donating to your alliance’s technology research or assisting other alliance members. Once you have accumulated enough credits, you can use them in the Alliance Shop to buy various items. The good thing is that your credits aren’t lost if you leave your alliance. Instead, you can use them immediately if you decide to join another. Therefore, joining an alliance with active members is crucial if you want to stay alive and prosper.

Avoiding misleading ads

One of the most critical aspects of any game is its advertising, and Rise of Kingdoms is no exception. Misleading ads may mislead players and bring a large number of users to a game only to find out that they are disappointed later. This lack of user retention and dissatisfaction can have an impact on the developer’s sales and profitability. For this reason, avoiding misleading ads in Rise of Kingdoms is an extremely important part of optimizing your campaign.

In Rise of Kingdoms, be on the lookout for the prisoner guy. You may recognize him from previous ads, such as those about the game’s historical importance. In these advertisements, he explains how civilizations evolved through the ages. His role varies in each ad, but in general, he helps you understand the game’s history. For example, in one video he explains the history of war and the feudal age, and in another, he describes the steam age. These are the same types of misleading ads, so look for a prisoner guy to explain the game’s history to you.

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