If you love to play video games, you are not alone. With over three billion gamers around the world, you are probably overwhelmed by the selection. New games are released regularly across all major platforms, making it difficult to keep up with them all. Some genres have become overly popular, such as Call of Duty. Here are some tips for discovering new games online. You can also browse through popular online game communities like Subreddits. Alternatively, you can also visit websites like Metacritic, YouTube, or Cortex Play.
If you’re a gamer, you’ve probably wondered how you can discover new games. After all, the internet is filled with information about new releases, and it can be difficult to sort through it all to find the best new games. The good news is that Reddit has many different subreddits where you can find the latest games and get the latest updates. Subreddits offer a variety of features, including recommendations and ratings.
Reddit’s Discover feature is a new way to discover new games and communities. The Discover tab sits just to the right of the home button on your Reddit mobile app. Clicking on the tab will reveal a visually-engaging vertical feed of recommended games and subreddits. You can see what others have liked and found interesting in the Discover tab by scrolling through the community and clicking “Following.”
If you are looking for a new game to play, Metacritic is a great resource to help you find something you will love. The website scores game based on a 0 to 100 scale, and publications is very clear about what a certain score means. In general, a score below 50 indicates a negative review, while a score of over 70 indicates a positive review.
The best way to discover new games on YouTube is to watch videos from gaming YouTubers. These YouTubers offer reviews, gameplay, and their input on the games. You can even follow a certain gaming YouTuber, like Pewdiepie, and read his reviews and inputs to see if he thinks the game is worth buying or not. Gaming YouTubers get huge amounts of exposure and can make good games look bad.
You can also discover new games by following video game channels on YouTube. Gamer channels on YouTube are a great resource for news and playthrough videos, and many of them thrive as the first to post videos for new games. Many gamer channels on YouTube even turn their videos into a career. This means you can turn your passion into a full-fledged career by becoming a gamer expert! And if you’re looking for something new and original, don’t worry – you can watch tons of them.
Cortex Play
In a world where the internet is a vast and ever-changing place, you’ll find yourself in awe when you discover new games with Cortex Play. The award-winning tabletop RPG system that powers multiple licensed games has been redesigned and made compatible with a wide range of mobile devices. In addition to the traditional card game, Cortex now includes a wide variety of social, multiplayer, and mobile games.
Razer has made this experience even more immersive with the introduction of the Cortex Play app. The app automatically analyses all games you play and rewards you with silver coins that you can redeem for paid video games or Razer peripherals. To access Cortex Play, you first need to register with the site, then you can begin collecting coins and spending them in your virtual wallet. Each game you install will earn you up to twenty silver coins. The best prizes will require at least 20,000 coins.
If you’re looking to discover new games on Facebook, there are several ways to go about it. Facebook’s new Discover New Games sidebar module displays games that your friends are playing. It’s a free feature that could make up for the loss of virality. If you don’t want to pay for the module, you can always uncheck it. In the meantime, you can enjoy games on Facebook for free.
To find new games on Facebook, go to the gaming section. It’s available in the Explore section on the left-hand menu on your profile page or homepage. On the mobile version of Facebook, it’s available under the Instant Games tab. Simply tap the “Play Games” button to open the games. Once you’ve found a new game, tap it and enjoy. This way, you can try it out on the go!